Meet the PRofessionals | Taimar Kate Askew, W North

Welcome to the fourth instalment of my 'Meet the PRofessionals' series! I've been really enjoying interviewing some amazing PR professionals from around the country to share their experiences, opinions on the industry and words of wisdom - especially while I'm getting towards the end of my masters degree, so keep your eyes peeled for new additions as there's still plenty to come. This time round, my PRofessional in the spotlight is the lovely Taimar Askew from W North!

What is 'Meet the PRofessionals'? 

When I started studying PR I often found it difficult to find how other people got into the industry and have always found it interesting when speaking to professionals that everyone takes their own path, it tends to be that no two people got into the industry the same way - especially in this interview Taimar speaks about the beauty of LinkedIn in terms of getting into her role.

That's why I wanted to start this series, that I'll hopefully be posting a new addition to each week. A space where we can be inspired to learn and be successful like these people. I have asked those important questions to gain an insight into the industry of how these PRofessionals got to where they are today, and how as a PR student we can emulate their success.

Also, if you're reading this and in the PR industry please do get in touch! I'd absolutely love to hear from you and I'm sure many other students would benefit from the advice you have to share. But for now, let's get into it...

Meet the PRofessional: Taimar Askew

Taimar is currently an account executive at W North and has been at the agency since August 2017. Since graduating from the University of Sunderland Taimar has really went from strength to strength while at W North, and often gives back to the university with talks and advice for current PR students like myself, which is why I wanted to learn a bit more about her... 

  1. How did you get started in PR?

I began studying the undergraduate course at Sunderland University and built up my book of key contacts over the three years from voluntary placements and networking events. Once graduated, I was lucky enough to scoop the Ede & Ravenscroft award for the best dissertation campaigns. It was actually a post on Linkedin that landed my first proper job in PR! I received a message from my current boss asking if I’d like to meet him from a coffee, and, yeah, I guess you could say it all started from there.

  1. What is your current job title and what do you love about your job? 

I’m an Account Executive at W North. The thing I love most is the range of national brands that we get to work with on a daily basis. Having that London connection is also great for events and regular meetings with key consumer media.

  1. What is the biggest lesson you took away from university?

As much as you hate it, you need that public speaking skill!

  1. Why did you choose a career in PR? 

I was never going to go to Uni until I read into the PR course at Sunderland. I originally opted for Journalism but didn’t think my written skills were quite as up to scratch as what they should have been. PR seemed cool! There were so many areas that you could tap into and I really liked the thought of working where no day was the same.

  1. What does your daily routine look like?

9am – Read the morning papers and catch up on any emails
10am – Open up Facebook Business Manager for any social clients and respond to queries that we’ve had come through overnight
11am – Usually working through a consumer sell-in to press, pitching a new product launch
1pm – Lunch!
2pm – Usually working on a report
4pm – New business pitch or client call
5pm – Send updates on the consumer sell-in to the client and final follow up with press
6pm – Finish for the day

But as I say, no day is the same!

  1. Can you describe your job in three words?

Fast. Varied. Fun.

  1. Who has been your biggest role model in your career so far and why?

Don’t think I can answer this yet!

  1. What type of person thrives at your organisation?

Someone who is willing to put their hand up no matter the task and give it 101%.

  1. What are three must-haves that are crucial for you to get the job done?

1. Time management
2. Client priorities
3. Internal communication

  1. What is the most memorable or meaningful moment in your career so far?

Meeting Dec at our W Summer Festival.

  1. What do you wish more people understood about the PR industry?

That we do A LOT for journalists! Sometimes even write the article’s for them…

  1. What advice would you give to a PR student like myself that is looking for a foot in the door in the PR industry? 

Experience, both in-house and agency, to show that you’ve got sizable knowledge â˜º

Thanks you so much for your time Taimar, it's great to see you doing so well and learning more about the impressive agency that is W North! ðŸŒŸ

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